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About Me

This is just a few words about me.

Who am I? Well, most of what you need to know is in my first post., but in essence, I am a happily married 59-year-old man who is about to come out to his wife. If you're reading this a few months after publication, this will have already happened and I may even update this page, but perhaps not.

At the time of writing, I have only just come out to myself. After a crisis point last summer, I had to battle with feelings I hadn't felt for a long time which had made me think I was bisexual. However, As the months went by and I had time to analyse my feelings for my wife – whom I love deeply – have had had to come to the conclusion that I am, in fact, gay. I honestly wish I wasn't, but that has very little to do with it.

I live in beautiful Bournemouth on the south coast of England, nestled between the amazing New Forest and the stunning beaches. The water is cold, but you can't have everything.

Why this blog? Well, firstly for me. Writing allows me to get my thoughts straight. I have just started therapy sessions and they are helping, but once a week is not enough to process all of these feelings I'm having. Secondly, this process has been awfully lonely and painful – with more pain to come, I'm sure. If these musings can help anyone not feel so alone, then this will have been worth it.

If you want to reach me for any reason, e-mail I will definitely reply.